New Conferencing & Hotel Development

Owners are seeking an investment for a *50% shareholding This project is scheduled to bring to the Greater Paris Region more than 1,500 per year B2B European events which are currently not held in France with two very unique features:
 The most central and easy to reach (from a logistical perspective) events center in Europe.
 The only events site that can actually control the price level of close to 2000 hotel rooms and
guarantee these to the event operators.
The developers, who intend to stay on this project with at least 50% of its equity, developed and operate the World Trade Center in São Paulo where they have been for over 25 years. The value of their investment into this project to date is valued by by a highly rated company (who did its business plan) 
Total turnkey value of the project is €750,000,000 (Seven hundred and Fifty million Euros).